We can attract negative energy when we are tired or sick or afraid and when we get out of our core. It can also be the path that we have chosen in this life to work through and let go. It's not permanent. The best thing to do is to get back into our own heart space so that we don't attract this kind of energy.
We need to rest, sleep, walk in nature and meditate; as we tend to attract these type of energies when we have a vulnerability at that time. It feels as though this negative energy is outside of ourselves but mostly it is a clearing of a unknown darker energy from within us.
This is temporary and a function of the energy that is coming into the planet. The function of this light is to bring up unknown aspects of ourselves for us to clear.
We have the following recordings within the Ascension Library that may be able to help you. The key is to do them a lots, until you no longer feel the underlying energy.
[These links will only work for logged in members.]
Clearing any past life issues relating to this situation
- Karma Clear - Clearing Past Life Karma with Others: will help to clear feelings of being controlled, fear, tension or anxiety around certain people. These feelings are not in the now they arise irrationally and can be triggered by many reasons : CLICK HERE for Clearing Past Life Karma with Others
- True Colors | Week Five | Clearing Past Life Vows: Past life vows are decisions we have made in a previous life and a previous time. It might have felt like a good idea in some past incarnation but it does not work for us now in our life today : CLICK HERE for Clearing Past Live Vows
Clearing issues of resentment and fear
- Karma Clear - Anger & Pain: will help to expose and expunge anger, shame, futility, resistance, victim-hood, loss, sadness and resentment towards self and others : CLICK HERE for Clearing Anger & Pain
- Karma Clear - Persecution, Unfair attack, Condemnation: will help to clear energy due to having experienced persecution, being unfairly attacked or condemned in this life or in a sequence of lifetimes : CLICK HERE for Clearing Persecution, Unfair Attack, Condemnation
- Karma Clear - Clearing Terror, Panic & Fear: Becoming God / Goddess - The vibrations of Terror, Panic & Fear can be deep in our subconscious. Sabotaging our thoughts and beliefs ... blocking our ability to BE love. This energy transmission will help you to clear these deep seated vibrations and set you free into Love : CLICK HERE for Clearing Terror, Panic & Fear
- Karma Clear - Clearing Anxiety causing Physical Symptoms: will help with the physical aspects of inner anxiety you may be feeling : CLICK HERE for Clearing Anxiety Causing Physical Symptoms
Releasing the energetic attachment
- Karma Clear - Stop Unsupportive Relationships: will help to clear energy attachments with others whether they are living or in Spirit. People where you have had connections with now or in the past that you don't want to be connected to anymore : CLICK HERE for Stopping Unsupportive Relationships
- Cutting the Cords | with Archangel Michael: Protect yourself from the forces of lower consciousness and vibration with this powerful Light Protection from Archangel Michael. This transmission will work with the karmic energy that is being released through you and with lower vibrational energy that is being projected at you, and it will also cut energy cords of direct psychic attack : CLICK HERE for Cutting the Cords with Archangel Michael
- Ascension & You | The Path to Enlightenment Part Two: Chapter 7 | [44:37] Question to Judy from Teresa about clearing entity attachments : CLICK HERE for Energy Transmission to transmute and override lower vibrational energy - Energy Transmission 7 - Begins: [49:22]
- Judy also created a downloadable PDF to help anyone overcome these attachments.
Putting a buffer on the energy you allow into your field
- Create the Magenta Pyramid of Peace, Love and Joy: CLICK HERE for Magenta Pyramid Meditation
- Karma Clear - Activation for Love, Harmony and Balance: This transmission will help to maintain harmony and balance in our day-to-day lives by clearing any energetic dross or thought projections from others or any discordant energies that are in our environmental field : CLICK HERE for Activation for Love, Harmony and Balance
- The Regenesis Transmissions - EP 11.1 | BEING PREPARED FOR ENERGY UPGRADE: START 09:47 - this recording is a buffer for unwanted energy from people, pollution, environment - anything : CLICK HERE for Buffer for Unwanted Energy from People, Pollution, Environment
- The Regenesis Transmissions - EP 9.2 | REAP THE HARVEST: Helps with energy that is at odds with our own : CLICK HERE for Clearing Lower Vibrational States / Increase Personal Boundaries & give added Protection
- Haraline Rebalance: Stress may have unbalanced your Haraline it would be good to listen to this recording daily until you feel stronger, clearer and in your power: CLICK HERE for Haraline Balance
Taking your power back
- Sovereignty of Self: Taking ownership of our own energy: Can be completed with all recordings mentioned above : CLICK HERE for Sovereignty of Self Information & Transmission
- Arcturian Healing Team: Connect with your Arcturian Healing Team daily and ask for whatever needs to be healed in this situation; to be healed : CLICK HERE to Connect with your Arcturian Healing Team
- The Prayer of Becoming: Say this prayer as often as you feel guided : CLICK HERE to Access the Download PDF for the Prayer of Becoming
FREE ACCESS: The EXPLORE page in the Ascension Library give a full overview of programs on offer with sample recordings and links to access more information. You can also find more about Ascension on my ARTICLES page. Many feature articles include audio and video recordings for you to try out.
MEMBER ACCESS: The Where to Begin section in the Ascension Guide in the Library is the best place to find and explore the programs on offer and their benefits.
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