All recordings in the Ascension Library activate positive and powerful change at deep levels of body, mind and soul/spirit. Every time you listen, the energy goes deeper. This is because of an accruing process called ENTRAINMENT.
You can experience many sensations and may have physical and emotional reactions or thoughts that don’t seem like YOU can come up, into conscious awareness. This is because YOU are not just your physical self in this lifetime.
YOU are also your SOUL and your soul’s memories and experiences. When you listen to the audio recordings you are either clearing patterns of energy distortion trapped in the body or held deeply in the subconscious; rewiring the body’s ability to receive Ascension energies better; or creating a deliberate effect as per the topic and outcome of the recording that you are listening to.
FEELING SLEEPY/EXHAUSTED: This reaction is not always in response to listening to the energy recordings and can relate to your energy sensitivity to solar eclipses, full moon or new moon cycles, planetary energy events such as earthquakes etc.
However, it is a common reaction to guided meditations such as the ‘Journeys to Amenti’ from the Transcripts of Mary Magdalene and other Spirit designed repatterning sequences of body and mind.
Going to sleep also happens when Spirit, ie your guides, take your soul self aside for spiritual training and guidance. You probably won’t remember what occurs during your sleep time, but you will know that something has been happening on a deep level of soul because you will wake up suddenly at the end of the recording, or soon after.
Judy’s story when she was once taken on a Journey to Amenti, which is all about our personal and soul recreation process, is of being asleep for four hours, waking at 2 am to discover that the clock on the wall said 2 am, but her watch said 10 pm.
Her watch was still ticking and working as normal, but she had been out of body in another dimensional time and space for those four hours. Feeling exhausted is usually because of environmental energy changes; solar flares for example, or is the result of deep-level emotions surfacing to clear and release.
If you feel that this is the case for you, listen to FEEL BETTER FAST, DETOX FOR THE BODY, or recordings from the ENERGY KEYS FOR 2021, as tiredness is part of Ascension change and is normal at this time.
If you continue to need support you can explore the full Ascension Library knowledge base.
FREE ACCESS: The EXPLORE page in the Ascension Library give a full overview of programs on offer with sample recordings and links to access more information. You can also find more about Ascension on my ARTICLES page. Many feature articles include audio and video recordings for you to try out.
MEMBER ACCESS: The Where to Begin section in the Ascension Guide in the Library is the best place to find and explore the programs on offer and their benefits.
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