Transmission suggestions below to help with relationship issues with the mother or father, past or present.
- Morphogenetic Field Healing: Clearing and Healing of the Morphogenetic Field (Past life) - CLICK HERE
- Clearing Past Life Karma with Others: This transmission will help to clear feelings of being controlled, fear, tension or anxiety around certain people. These feelings are not in the now. They arise irrationally and they can be triggered for many reasons. This can be with anyone, present or past - CLICK HERE
- Clearing Lack of Motherly Love: This transmission will help if you have experienced as a baby or small child a lack of love, bonding or nurturing from your mother - CLICK HERE
- Cutting the Cords | with Archangel Michael: This can be used to cut any cords with anyone past or present. When using the transmission have in your minds eye who you would like to cut cords with - CLICK HERE
- 2.3 | Clearing Lineage Line DNA Trauma: In each lifetime, as souls preparing to come into physical life, we choose our parents. We make a choice based on the childhood conditioning and type of upbringing we most need to achieve our soul’s purpose - CLICK HERE
- 2.4 | Clearing Soul DNA Trauma: True Colors is designed by Spirit to clear deep level soul DNA trauma. Soul DNA can be described as the Akashic Records of the soul and is the combined energy from all of our soul’s life experiences wherever these may be. Usually, we are completely oblivious to soul DNA trauma but these energy impressions have created deep grooves on the Akashic Records of the soul - CLICK HERE
- 2.5 | Clearing Past Life Vows: Past life vows are decisions that we have made in a previous life and in a previous time. It might have felt like a good idea in some past life to have made such a determined decision, but it does not work for you now in your life today - CLICK HERE
- Day 20 | Balancing Masculine & Feminine: Balancing the masculine and feminine from your expanded heart opening will allow you to recreate from a balanced foundation - CLICK HERE
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