Physical Regeneration | Skin, Hair, and Eyes
The transference of Ultralight energy onto the cells and DNA template matrix of the body, utilizing the more potent Fifth Element energy, triggers the body to respond and behave in an upgraded and enhanced way.
The energy triggers a shift AWAY from ENTROPY, which is the winding down of the body's cellular functioning and energy towards CENTROPY, which is the reordering of the atomic particles of the cells of the body to come together in an organized manner, supporting the restoration of a more youthful and vibrant physical functioning and metabolism.
A more youthful energy image is literally imprinted onto the cells of the body and is enhanced with each repetition. Results depend on one's age, whether there is inflammation in the body, and one's current state of organic, metabolic, circulatory, and endocrine gland functioning, that is one's state of physical health and vitality.
However, some positive improvement in physical vitality and well-being can be expected after 28 days no matter what your state of health is. These energies are safe and can only support the physical body to function better and better over time.
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